AC not cooling when the car is not moving

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AC not cooling when the car is not moving

Postby hyberman » Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:47 am

Hi everyone,

I hope this community is still live :) Our cars are getting older and older so probably most of you moved to new cars already.

I have one issue that is causing me trouble when I travel. The AC unit is cooling pretty well, it is filled with freon every 2 seasons so no issues with that. However, after about 30 minutes of driving, the next time I stop at a traffic light, I hear a sound like a muffled click, and then the AC doesn't cool anymore, instead warm air is being blown inside. The AC or something else is then trying to turn on something I guess, because I hear this "click" sound on 5 seconds, it seems like something needs to be turned on, but very fast it is turned off again. When the car moves again the cooling is back. This is not a big issue, as traffic lights do not last long, however during summer I travel to Greece, and sometimes at the border crossings, you have to wait in the car for about 1-2h on30-40c degrees. If I hit on a gas pedal (when idle) the cooling comes back, but that is not a solution as the revs need to be really high and everyone else is looking at you, like what is this guy trying to do :D and you cannot sustain that for an hour or two.

I have taken the car to an AC specialist, but they told me that the AC unit is ok, and that there could be something wrong with the Engine, which (probably) doesn't give enough power to the AC unit. I was quite disappointed that this AC repair shop didn;t find the cause for trouble. Any suggestions?

My Megane is 1.9 dci, 2004.

Thank you in advance!

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Re: AC not cooling when the car is not moving

Postby jlbsmart » Sat Sep 17, 2022 4:07 am

My friend had this problem and he asked me the o have a drive with him i said show me what you do he put the blowers on had the heating turned put the air con on blowing on our fee he said every year i have it checked, i said do you do anything else no that's it, blowing cold air i said you've still got the air being brought in through the vent under your front window i said you have to close that on and have it on air circulation what happens is the air in the car is drawn over the air con unit also fresh air is added and that's drawn over the air con system if you keep the air coming in from the top vent from under the front window it's not run over the air con

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