235/40 XL

Discussions around the Mégane 225.

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Posts: 18
Joined: Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:56 am
Currently Drives:: MEGANE 225 CUP 2005

235/40 XL

Postby ayjvee » Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:23 pm

Have just moved from Clio 172 to Megane 225. Bought it off eBay, but got tucked up over the tyres when it was delivered.. didn't realise until a couple of days later. Front tyres had been swapped 'left for right' 'right for left' and were 'directional' going the wrong way! Turned out that was deliberate and both were down to the canvas in places on the insides! Seller had swapped 2 Pirelli's before he delivered!! No good crying over spilt milk though..........
Because I've currently maxed out on money, for the time being I've had four new tyres fitted, but they are 84W, not 91Y as recommended, which I'll replace with decent, in pairs, when they wear out. They are 235/40 18 XL's.
The tyre fitters told me they'd put 36psi in each tyre and recommended those pressures when I queried it.
Please can someone tell me if they think this sounds correct? What damage/danger, if any, is there when driving at those pressures?
Hope you can help? Thanks.

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