Megane Mk3 1.9 Dci 130 Revs

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Re: Megane Mk3 1.9 Dci 130 Revs

Postby ChrisM » Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:56 pm

Hi Funkyg
yep, well adverse to how a gearbox works, spent a good couple of years of my youth as a motor mechanic, and now spent the last 15 years working within garage enviroments with what they now call Technicians.
I think what has really peed me off, is how certain people on here whom pertain to be in the "know" so they tell me what my car is doing as if I am some kind of idiot, to the point yesterday morn I grabbed my phone and snapped it, not the best image but proves a point, just to prove this is what my car will do on a slight down hill gradiant in 6th after a 6 mile spurt at around 75ish, as also said this is not its normal behaviour at 70mph it is just under the 2k, difficult to say where excatly as the needle is a big lump of a thing not a thin pointer, occasionally I can get it to do this, if the hill is too steep it picks up speed, as you pointed out it is at around 68, I didn't get the 70 as I was not planning on this photo session but just took an opertunity.
How does it do it? I have no idea, electronic rev counter, diesel engine! foot hardly on the pedal it is almost akin to cruising, if you come off to quick the car goes into engine braking and you don't get it back then until you have picked up speed again, also wont do it on wet roads, in rain, windy snow etc it has to be a still day or a little tail wind, could even be something to do with the weight of these CC's not the lightest of cars at all with all that glass.
I should be used to ill mannered self important people as I meet a lot of them in my job, they are usually master tecs, or over qualified Service managers how have a degree is something or another but are now the font of all knowledge.
As for Cruise Control is works slightly differant than your foot, cruise is developed to keep a constant speed, if you speed picks up cruise shuts off the power to engage engine braking, and then cuts in again to pick up speed, if you run a cheap version of cruise on a cheap car you can actually feel the system working. Weh I get to this downward slope I am usually at around 75ish at I go over and down I lift my foot slowly the car will slow a little as the power comes off (I am not that good) usually settles around 70, my foot is just on the pedal giving a little gas not to accelerate but to keep it going kind of balance of force, you crusie set at 75 will take you over the hill and start picking up speed, so it will cut the power car will engauge engine braking, once below 75 car will re introduce power to bring it back to 75 and keep this kind of cycle going to keep the car at 75, it wont allow your speed to drop to 70, it doesn't work in my wifes car nor in my Fiat before this car both to lite maybe or possible petrol engines no idea but this on on ocasions can do it but as I said at the start of this post somewhere it is not its normal behaviour at 70 it is usually I would say 1950rpm it is not quite on the 2 for 70, maybe the rev counter is off set who knows.
I will never forget our Audi Master tec telling a woman she is talking rubbish about a water leak, there is nothing this lads does not know about Audi, yet he talked down to this lady about her water leak as she wanted the car placed on a hill and tested as it sat on her drive load of rubbish this lad said it is yuor wet shoes, trurn out when the poped it on axel stands and wet it there was a gromet missing from the bulk head and as it filled and drained some of the water was reaching the missing gromet hole and running in, on the flat the water level did not reach the hole. how much "tripe" was he spouting.
So the image was posted for those who like to tell others what there cars are doing in their very own patronising self rightious ways I have found out through my life people with high end qualifications NEVER like to be wrong and enjoy talking down to others.
May even be a fault in the rev counter, but did the all wise owls mention that, NO they just ripped into me as I AM WRONG, I must be as they are all knowing, just didn't know enough to mention possible rev counter probelms though.
And thats me done - Belive it or not I don't care I sit in this car every day around 400mls a week not all of it can be in a dream state surly

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