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Cannot open boot 2006 CC

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 10:52 am
by Gagkerry
Hi, I can see this is a common problem but I’m having no luck opening my boot. I can open my boot by a couple of cm but no further. Cannot use the emergencey key as the lock is totally frozen up, have tried all options to loosen. We have tried a replacement boot button. Cannot access via back seats as these are rigid with it being a convertible. Has anyone been able to solve this from the exterior? I’ve been told my only option is to strip the interior out including seats and back panel at a cost of £400-£500! Would drilling out the frozen lock help or just create a multitude of other problems? Thanks

Re: Cannot open boot 2006 CC

Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 1:01 pm
by billywizz71
My boot lid is exactly the same, I just start to open the roof and access boot space from the top.