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Evans HellSure Leeds - Update 2

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:53 pm
by john10001
It gets worse...

I have now made a complaint to Trading Standards in Leeds about this dealership so am waiting to hear back from them. Hadn't been able to do much more as I was off work recently with food poisoning and since I got back have been catching up so have been really busy.

However, its been quite a warm day today from previous weather we’d had. So decided to put sunroof down before I set off home as car was quite hot.

Except, sunroof wasn’t working! It just makes a slight movement but that's it.

The last people to play with the sunroof were Evans Halshaw because when I collected my car it had the sun roof cover pulled back indicating that someone who had been working on my car had been playing with it, and by the looks of things like they broke it too! The last time I had used it before that it had been working fine, and I've never had any problems with the sunroof since buying the car.

I should have really tested everything as soon as I got it back, but you don't think to test your sunroof in the middle of Winter when the weathers bad and its freezing cold outside, and you also don't expect that or shouldn't expect a main dealer to damage or break parts of your car.

I was going to just let this wole thing go if they had of got me the spare keycard free of charge like they had promised back on Wednesday 27 February, and again they stated when I collected my car on Friday 29 February that they had ordered me a spare keycard free of charge which would take a week to arrive.

So its almost two months further on now and de nada. I've made my complaint to Trading Standards, will contact the FSA next about this, may write to their head office one last time and give them the final chance to make amends as well as sending details of my experience to car magazines. I'm now absolutely determined not to let this go, the way I've been treated, so if all this fails to get their attention, an apology and recompense for the trouble I've suffered because of them, I'm going to get the papers necessary for the small claims court.

If the rest fails then I'll do this very last step after I've had the sunroof fixed so I'm compensated for everything all at once. I should imagine that a sunroof isn't going to be the easiest thing or cheapest thing in the world to get sorted and I'll be without it for even longer now and inconvenienced more. This time I'll be taking it to a reputable independent or local garage that no what they're doing, have brains, know what customer service is, and don't ripp you off or damage your car! :cry :banghead

I should also send a copy of this dreadful experience I've had with them to Renault UK to make them fully aware of just how bad they are.

It's not been my year so far, and all this coming when money isn't exactly growing on trees with the credit crunch and the cost of everything going up. Lets see what happens next.


Re: Evans HellSure Leeds - Update 2

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:42 pm
by robznet
Sorry to hear of your bad luck, just a thought, get in touch with Russell Stallman at Renault Customer Services (not sure if the name is spelt correctly). He helped me out with my local stealer just ove 12 months ago - very good bloke!

Worth a try. :)


PS - I think I made initial contact with him from a link on Renault's official website.

Re: Evans HellSure Leeds - Update 2

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:41 pm
by graeme44
Sorry to hear about your problems. Dont even get me started about Evans Halshaw. They are my local dealer in Edinburgh. Service reception phone rarely gets answered, if you leave a number for a call back...they dont call back. If you ask to speak to the dealer principal to log a complaint he is on the phone, wont call back either. I was looking at a Renaultsport Clio 197 and as a direct result of recent abominable service crossed it off my list. I hope you get some recompense.